Applications of Acne Removal Mobile Phone Considered Misleading

Applications of Acne Removal Mobile Phone Considered Misleading


There is a smartphone selling apps that claimed to get rid of acne. However, experts dismiss the benefits of these applications and menggangap applications worth US $ 1.99 or about Rp 18 thousand it misleads consumers. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - the agency to protect consumers - has sent a letter of agreement to the iPhone. The FTC asks the iPhone to revoke its claims from two apps named 'AcnePwner' and 'AcneApp' which can eliminate acne. The FTC chairman, Jon Leibowit worries as there are still many people who believe in the app to get rid of their acne. Smartphones make life easier, but unfortunately to cure acne, there is no application for it, Leibowit said.


Cosmetic and dermatologist Dr Neal Schultz said he was furious with marketing claims that there is a mobile app that can get rid of acne. According to him, it is very unfair for people who want to get rid of acne. They (the smartphone) say can 'kill acne' which as if it can really heal, bright Dr. Schultz, as quoted from Beauty High. Schultz explains there is no mobile phone application that can combat acne. The phone must have great energy power to fight acne. Smartphones do not have enough energy for it. Indeed the price for an app is not expensive, but the emotional harm caused to the consumer can really be annoying. People are desperate to be beautiful. It's their way (smartphone) to get into the community and they take advantage of it, Schultz added. (kik / kik)



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